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“Who’s responsible for this mess?”

Photo by Ricardo Viana on Unsplash

That’s the kind of question that sends employees running for cover. Looking for people to blame. Ways to avoid being branded as the problem-causer.

We’ve all been there, and it can be devastating. This is the kind of accountability that rips teams apart.

Why? Because, by asking the question, we’ve established: Read the rest of this entry »

piggybankMoney is a part of our culture that can be highly sensitive. For instance, it’s impolite to ask someone how much they make in their job or the size of their retirement savings.

And yes, I know that the biblical reference is that the love of money is the root of all evil, but it seems we’ve decided that money itself is a demonic force.

Here’s the truth:  money, in whatever form, is just a tool. It doesn’t matter if it’s cash in your wallet, or digits in a bank account, or access to others’ capital.

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