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image002I really love highlighting the great new businesses in northern Colorado, both here and on my Values Based Business blog.

I had the chance recently to work with Sarah Nelson and Andrea Schneider, who head up Inhabit Design Group.  This is an emerging interior design firm which does some pretty amazing work in the area.

Now, most of my artistic talent is not in this area.  I can do music, but when it comes to the look and feel of our home, I’m at a bit of a loss.  So I have huge respect for people who can do this well.

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One of the joys of my work is that I get to experience the creation of new businesses.  It can be a wonderful, confusing, and enlightening phase, filled with the dream of bringing life to a new vision.

_DSC1809I had a chance recently to speak with Leigh Spector, who is starting up a Yoga and Reiki practice here in Fort Collins.  Named Warm Plus Fidget Yoga, it’s so new that its online presence is still being built and improves on a daily basis.

What I find amazing about Leigh is her passion around improving the lives of pregnant mothers and new moms.  It’s this clarity which helps her to create a presence which is interesting and compelling.

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