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decade ago, Simon Sinek popularized the idea of marketing your products based on a powerful story. And that story starts with WHY.

  • Why your company does what it does.
  • Why you created this product in the first place.
  • Why your product will make the customer’s life so much better.

That last one sounds a lot like expounding on your product’s benefits, right? But traditionally, “benefits” stop soon after the purchase, quite short term. Instead, we’re talking about a much deeper transformation for customers, something they may even struggle to articulate.

And that’s only the last step in telling your story to customers.

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Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on UnsplashCompanies market their products. They market the customer benefits.

They rarely talk about their deeply held values, as if that’s not relevant or interesting. But younger parts of our population are placing more importance on the company that stands behind their products.

We older folks do that, too, by the way. We just don’t tend to be quite as vocal about it.

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I thought things were going to slow down … not a chance!  June is turning into one hopping time!

So check out these great opportunities:


170620 LCWC workshop flyer

Are you looking to speak to coaches and leaders in the Denver area?  You have two days left to submit your proposal!

I’ve found that speaking engagements are a remarkably powerful part of my marketing strategy, and I have several opportunities coming up next month.

But because the ICF Colorado conference has a call-for-speakers open until May 31st 2017, I thought I’d pass the word along to any of you who would like to reach an audience of 200 professional coaches and industry leaders!

Community is important for quite a few reasons:

  • Connecting with customers
  • Getting support
  • Generating ideas and being creative
  • Contributing to the larger world

So who do you count as your communities?

nextdoor-logoI’ve been connected with the social platform Nextdoor for a couple of years now.  It’s an interesting concept which connects people who live near each other in actual, physical neighborhoods.

It’s fascinating to me, because with all the online connections we have these days, we’ve lost touch with people who live just next door.

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bargain-455999_640I received an interesting email this morning from a company which says it’s recruiting coaches for another (unnamed) firm.  Having a little time to investigate, and being inquisitive, I decided to check it out.

The first thing I did was to type in the name of this company and its website and the word “scam” into Google.  That often finds people who are talking about it in a negative way; if they’re using the word “scam” then they have fairly strong feelings.

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Frog“I’ve interviewed tons of people, but nobody seems like a good fit for this job.”

“Well, you know it”s a numbers game! You have to talk to a whole bunch of people to find the good ones.”

There’s many places where we talk about the “numbers game” to be successful:

  • Sales prospecting
  • Finding employees
  • Dating
  • Finding a buyer for your house

Here’s the problem: It’s not exactly false, but it leads you into bad decisions.

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Merry ChristmasThis year, for whatever reason, I’m getting deluged with Christmas and holiday greetings of all kinds.  I appreciate the sentiments and thoughtfulness.  Many are even courageous enough to acknowledge that this is a religious holiday.

So far, I’ve received 52 in my email – mostly in newsletter form.  Most were automatically customized to insert my name in the greeting.

I’ve received four cards via snail mail.  Those are the ones sitting here on my desk – they didn’t get deleted within 10 seconds.

This is exactly why I sent physical cards again this year.  All handwritten and personalized to the individual.

It DOES make a difference.

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